Give Me The Time of My Life

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It may have been the one and only time I out-danced my daughter. She was like a deer in headlights, completely mesmerized. 

Or perhaps she was just taking it all in and embarrassed that I was actually dancing. Nevertheless, it was truly a first for both of us

I recently took my daughter to her first concert ever: Pitbull - I Feel Good Tour. 

She loves his music and always wanted to see Pitbull perform. I’ve already seen him twice, so I know he puts on an amazing show. From the moment Pitbull made his grand entrance to the finale, I was dancing along. How could you not? The beat, the sounds, the lights, it was electrifying! 

Throughout the concert, Pitbull provided his own insights about life to the crowd. It resonated well and it ignited a spark within me — something I haven’t felt in a long time. 

Life has a funny way of knocking us off one track and putting us on another. Or in some cases causing a complete stoppage. Perhaps derailment is the right term. 

I could make an excuse that the pandemic was the primary culprit, but that’s not the case. It was well before the pandemic when I was sort of coasting on a parallel track, going in circles. 

But I didn’t know it until Pitbull reminded me to wake up. I looked at my daughter as she looked at me. Our eyes met and I knew what I needed to do going forward.

Here is a summary of what Pitbull told the crowd:

“Took my life from negative to positive,” from Give Me Everything

I love this message as it speaks volumes. Unfortunate circumstances will always present themselves and attempt to derail you. But do you have what it takes to stand your ground? Only you can overcome to rise higher. 

For every negative, there’s a positive around the corner. It won’t come to you, you have to go find it and make it happen. Family and friends’ support can only take you so far, the rest is up to you.

I can easily write a book about all the negatives I’ve faced throughout my life. From my childhood past, rejections, lost friendships and failed relationships, loss of a spouse, multiple job losses, and the list goes on and on. 

Like Pitbull, I used these negative experiences to propel me forward. 

I can’t explain why things happen or don’t happen. Nor can I explain how the universe works. 

Instead, I’ve learned to accept there is a much larger divine purpose that drives destinies. While it’s easy to question and get discouraged, it all works out in the end. 

Patience is truly a virtue that many people underappreciate. Only until you master it can you reap the benefits. 

If you believe, faith will always lead. Despite all the setbacks, I’ve managed to come out further ahead later on. Keep Those Feet Moving is one of those positives born years later. 

“If you continue to work hard, let that be the fuel to your fire”

There is no success without preparation and hard work. Nothing is given on a silver platter, you have to earn it. It’s almost always easier to give up during tough times than to struggle through them. But where does that get you! 

Precisely, nowhere. 

To overcome, you have to find passion, inner drive, and the determination to succeed. Those three elements become your fuel to your fire. 

Over the past two years, I’ve been consumed with too many commitments and projects, all distracting me from my true passion: writing this blog. I thought I could balance writing a book and a blog, but finding a time commitment proved to be too challenging. As a result, neither project was reaching the finish lines. 

I was also voted as Board Chair for a non-for-profit board as an opportunity to give back to those who experience grief through loss. During the pandemic, I devoted more time to this cause due to the increased number of people seeking grief counseling. 

Additional commitments kept me busy during the pandemic. But I now realize that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. As a result, I’m re-prioritizing to ensure I can post blogs more frequently as I used to back when I first started. 

It’s not to say I can’t make commitments. But I need to do a better job of time management. To achieve blog success, I rediscovered the “fuel to the fire.” It’s time to get to work!

“Life is to live it, not to let it live you.”

When you stop think about it, this is a powerful message. Many of us simply go through the motions in life. Floating by, just getting through the days. 

Stress and anxiety do a masterful job at changing your mindset into a lethargic state. It seems as though the days blend together and a dense fog surrounds you. This is what it feels like to let life live you. 

Mark my words: life will pass you by if you let it. 

One day you’ll wake up to realize you’ve wasted too much time and energy letting life dictate your circumstances, your outcomes, or worse yet all those passed opportunities. 

The good news is that YOU can change it all right now! 

Set new goals, seek new opportunities, and rekindle lost interests and relationships. Life is beautiful, but it’s up to you to write your own script. 

I often write about how life is like a roller coaster ride, filled with twists and turns, varying speeds, and sudden, terrifying drops. Throughout the ride your feelings range from excitement, fear, and uncertainty for what’s coming next. 

That’s life, all three rolled into one! The key is to embrace what’s in front of you and stay positive. While this pandemic presented multiple challenges and lifestyle changes, I’ve decided to use it as a reset button. 

Those little nuisances, it’s time to let go. Those anguishments, It’s time to let go. The negative energy carried through the years. It’s time to let go. If I can take everything holding me back to use for greater good, the possibilities would be endless. And that is what life should be about. By the time this roller coaster ride is over, I’ll look different, feel better, and ultimately be living life to fulfill my personal destiny.

“Every day above ground is a great day, remember that,” from Time Of Our Lives.

This is my absolute favorite Pitbull message. Despite the ups and downs, you must recognize the silver linings as you rise each day. 

There may be days you prefer to stay in bed and hide because there’s zero “fuel in your fire.” But staying in bed isn’t the answer. 

Instead, consider yourself blessed. Make each day count and seize the day. Each day you are given is a chance to make a difference in your life or in the lives of others. 

If whatever you are doing isn’t working, change it. Don’t wait, now is the time. This is your life, today is going to be a GREAT day!

My grandfather had a signature catchphrase: “Every day is a good day.” Anytime he was asked how his day was, he always said the same thing. Over the years I’ve adopted his catchphrase, which is why Pitbull’s message resonates well with me. 

Whether it’s unfavorable news, work challenges, or personal struggles, I remind myself constantly that “everyday is a good day.” I’ll admit some days are more difficult. But deep down I know each setback is a setup for something better. 

That’s right. Today’s challenges become tomorrow’s success. Trust me, I’ve seen it, experienced it, and feed into it. 

Looking back, my daughter’s first concert was just as impactful for me as it was for her. One of those cherished parenting moments that her and I will talk about for years to come. 

She may not remember how I out danced her, and she probably won’t analyze Pitbull’s insights like I am. But she will always remember her first concert was Pitbull with her father. I only hope she had the time of her life with me as I did with her. 

“Give Me The Time Of My Life” and keep those feet moving.

AJ Coleman